In what looks like a scene involving a pre-burned Freddy Krueger published a few pictures of Jackie Earle Haley stalking some children on the playground in the new Elm Street. Sorry about the awful watermarks, blame JoBlo!
"A fan calling himself Moneyshot sent in some shots from the set of the new A NIGHTMARE ON ELM STREET movie today, including a side-shot of actor Jackie Earle Haley as Freddy Krueger himself below. The scene that was being shot must have been a flashback sequence in which Krueger sans make-up (or killer blades on his fingers) is playing with some pre-school kids at the Badham pre-school (also seen below). Note how the color of his shirt is different than in previous ELM STREET flicks (brown/beige versus green/red) and the white picket fence. Classic."

that's obviously an Asian man, you must be thinking of the wrong Jackie....