Horror websites are so desperate to scoop each other, they would probably publish a picture of you in a Freddy mask if you told them it was real, and an EXCLUSIVE!!!! However, the newest picture of Freddy floating around the interwebs seems to be from a screen shot of the trailer. Using photoshop, webhead731 from the Superhero Hype message board, was able to give us a closer and cleaner look at Jackie Earle Haley's Freddy Krueger.

Ok first of all who ever created the new nightmare must have been drunk off their asses because there is only one person tht really looks scary as freddy and thts Mr.Robert England This guy looks like a freaking child melester not freddy fruger come on guys pay some xtra cash and get Mr.England back as freddy thank you
well if you knew anything about rober england then you would know that he has no desire to portray freddy anymore (he said so himself in an interview) and he (england) has given great reviews on jackie as freddy.
You sir, are a f***head. Plain and simple.
First of all, Haley looks like a child molester here? THAT'S WHAT FREDDY KRUEGER IS. Ok originally they just said he was a child murderer, but after that, who's counting, as it were? The point is, he is in character.
Secondly, it would just be considered another sequel if Englund came back. Don't misunderstand, Robert Englund is a beast of an actor and was awesome as Freddy, but there would just be nothing fresh if he returned. That's what these remakes are all about.
That's all the time I have for today. I hope someone has learned something.
I think the classics should be left alone! They were not B-Rated movies.They are only considered B-Rated to people now because of the latest technology. There actually were dozens of B-rated horror movies made. Why can't someone just pick one of those an remake it? I think that would work out fine because there will be less critics if they pick a obscure movie. The best remake I think i've seen as far as classics is Amityville but all the rest are lackluster. I'm a huge NOES fan and i'm anxious to see how this new one will turn out. I'm keeping positive thoughts but i'm also going to prepare for a movie that might be worse than saw 6(if that's even possible)
The new Nightmare on Elm St. Is going to be a good movie, or at least for the fans of the original Nightmare on Elm St. A lot of poeple are trashing the remake citing the fact that Freddy isn't going to be played by Robert Englund, the original Krueger. But the fact is these very poeple haven't even seen the movie yet, and they are forgetting that film technology and techniques have advanced a great deal since the 80's. The Original Nightmare on Elm St., to say the least, would be considered a B-Rated movie, with a B-Rated budget, and at the time, B- Rated actors. But now in 2010, film technology has advanced such a great deal that a computer can turn any B-rated film, into a 2 or 3 star film at least. Poeple shouldn't be so hasty as to judge a movie, especially without having seen it first. Yes, Robert Englund did a great job with Freddy, but that's not to say that this remake is not going to be any good just because he isn't in it. If you're a fan of the original, go see the movie despite what others may be saying about it, and judge for yourself. It may just turn to be the best one yet.
Jackie Earl Haley is one of the best actors out there at the moment his performances in tlittle Children and watchmen were awesome...yeah this is a horror movie and acting doesnt seem to be a big deal anymore the "new Breed" way of making american Horror kinda sucks!!!...look at the last house on the left and the friday the 13th remakes...terrible...they are giving people what they think they want...
Englund has seen the new movie and has said he happyly will hand the crown to Earl Haley...
lets hope this movie does not wreck his career as well as a good movie franchise which lets face it only really had 3 good movies out the 7
its true no one can replace the original freddy i hope they dont mess up freddy with this guy!
For the people that are hateing on the new nightmare on elm street?
you people need to realize that this movie is not directed twoards the older generation it is directed twoards the new generationit is not going to be a remake it is going to be new movie with a lot of similarities
and stop complaining about the new face it is supposed to look like burnt flesh not the regular freddy face
yes it sucks not to have robert englund play as freddy but he is old
First of all, learn to spell!!!! Wes Craven IS an awesome director, however, this is going to be a bad move and really did not make a lot of effort in actor selection. The movie was built on a franchise from Robert Englunds' acting skill. The face IS Freddy the face is the movie. How is it not geared toward the older generation, when that is where the movie was originated from? NO ONE CAN PLAY FREDDY LIKE ROBERT ENGLUND!!!!!!!!!
da new freddy looks kinda funny...i like da old one better
this freddy looks fake.. they should have casted robert englund.. fuck that hes old like they said he would be using a mask so who the fuck would see him... there is NO ONE that can redo this movie like the original classic.. ROBERT ENGLUND ROCKS THIS JACKIE CHARACTER FUCK OFF...
spell "internet" correctly
Why? Interwebs is just a dumb joke way of saying internet.
He looks like a fake-ass turtle! Screw this crap!
i thought he looked like a turtle as well this looks terrible it ruins the chances of seeing this movie i hate how he doesnt look burned really at all the older freddy looked brutal i think this is an insult to the franchise......
I wanted to see movie til I seen dudes face it looks like crap what a joke sucks ass!!!!!!!!!!!not one person I know thinks he looks cool or scarey or anything how laime
Don't be hating on Jackie Earle Hadey's performance and make up, you don't apparently know the point of todays remakes. To revision, add in todays art form of computer animation and make up, and try to earn a living. And what are you doing? bitching about it in Mama's basement with your collection of dolls to masterbate to... XD
well i grew up loveing nightmare on elm street to me its still the best horror movie ever made that was until freddy vs jason came out and now this crappy new one they have out . first ove all he looks nothing like freddy sounds nothing like freddy and is way skinnier then the original freddy . they could have atleast copyied the same face latex from the original freddy face . n e ways looks lame the cast in the movie are terrable actors they should ban this s#*!%y movie
Dude a flippin joke I loved freddy movies then I seen that I cant see the new one bing good but who knows
His right eye does not look scary, I dont like it. It just looks weird. This could ruin the movie for me.
I agree all the way man
This is a real picture of Jackie as Freddy... I have been a fan of Freddy since 1984 and I'm really stoked about the Movie.... I may be the biggest critic in the World when it comes to this movie so I'm expecting a lot from platinum dunes... If they can't get it right then Rob Zombie should do the sequel!!!!!!!!!!!
this new freddy sucks i don't like him at all he is not scarey not even a little bit i like the old freddy better he had me scared out of my mind like i couldn't go to sleep
This is a tad bit better looking than other pics I have seen, but I am still not thrilled. Don't like the eyes.
NICE!! I really cant wait for this movie to come out! All the hater can kiss Freddy's Charred Bootie!
If this movie lives up to half the hype, Im gonna be thrilled. Even if it doesn't, I dont care. Im still gonna love this movie!