I noticed a lot of other horror sites already posted caps from the trailer... Talk about blowing your load early! We have a long wait until A Nightmare on Elm Street opens on April 30, so you think they would have at least tried to milk the trailer a little longer. Well... In an effort to stay current, here is our first Elm Street gallery from the new film.

go freddy
i dont like the way this new freddy looks...he looks like michael jackson in a fedora....robert englund will always be freddy...
Ok I'm going to be to the point with this. Freddy was a child molester and a child murderer! He was never ment to be comedic or funny. It's just retardit that people that say there fans don't know this. Get the nightmare on elm street part 1 two disk DVD. Wes says it him self. A mr England says how Wes was possed Freddy was telling jokes a super Freddy a all that crap. A about his makeup? He's a burn victim. He's not supose to look apealing. It's supose to be disturbing and scarry horrific! Dosent anybody want to be afraid? Damn it. The movie looks grate I also wanna say Friday the 13th was grate. It gave the movie intrest! And the concepts made since to
me. Masons like a hunter. Freddys diffrent. He minipulates people with fear an has poweres in the dreams. Point is . I'm grone and I want to be afraid not laughingcouse Freddys wearing a bull fighters outfit or dressed like a dr.
you guys are nuts.. this is gonna be such an awesome movie... considering the fact it really looks like a burnt version and not an over driven one that was casted to us during the 80's and 90's of the Nightmare on Elm St series. Granted Robert will always be the SUPREME Freddy. But like most in these posts said its going in another directions.. me being in the movie business ive talked to Rob about this about 2 years ago when rumors were flying around the biz about this project... the said he was quite excited about the legend getting a new look. so for the " MAN " to say something like that, is just awe-inspiring. and for you haters out there.. if you were REAL fans of this film you would be awaiting the full package instead of putting your early 2 cents in.
nuff said.
Yeah lets be honest most Platinum Dunes movies suck (The Unborn, Amityville) , and remakes that follow the original can be boring. I didn't think the Last House on the Left remake was that bad, but it was freaking boring if you already saw the original.
So if I had to bet money on this one I would bet it is going to be very boring, too many of the same scenes from the original and not enough to change the story or improve upon it.
just so u know Adam H, not that it's a big deal or anything...it's just so u don't keep saying it and making a fool of urself. The whole "snow" scene u mentioned, I'm pretty sure isn't snow...I'm fairly positive they are feathers--which might I add is not original, since it was taken from the original film
no one cares about these stupid friggen movies! THEY ALL SUCK1 THE ORGINAL AND NEW ONE THE NEXT ONE
With your attitude I can see why you have try and convince people you actually have sex. These movies were never made for the academy awards, they are just a ridiculous and bizarre tale of a twisted idea. Let me guess you probably hate all the classic horror movies. Why the hate, are you so into the new "classics" like Saw and Hostel. Now I'm not putting those down at all, I enjoy those movies as well, but the brutality can be a bit much. Come on if you don't like the movie fine, say that, but don't trash the people who do enjoy them, or claim no one cares, because if that were really true, why would they be spending millions on a movie no one cares about. Grow up a little bit.
and you suck my dick, dude. you like it...
the only thing that sucks is you, freak ;)
Ignorant idiot
Some of these comments are ignorant. Have you seen the movie? No? Exactly! Englund was terrific, but this is a RE-IMAGINING. You can lock yourself in nostalgia and say that the original is the only legitimate entry in the series, but you have no right to say that this movie will suck without seeing it. Robert Englund said that he's supportive of Jackie Earle Haley.
Furthermore, of course RORSCHACH is not a character like Freddy! RORSCHACH is ONE CHARACTER! Jackie Earle Haley has done more than Rorschach, and he's a brilliant actor.
I couldn't agree more!
I was the first person to post the picture I posted them on photobucket so thanks for using my pic
You're welcome but these are screenshots I took from the Traileraddict HD trailer.
Fuck you ! adam h this feddy really sucks an robert is and its gonna be forever the best freddy krueguer
you haven't even seen the whole movie yet , give it a chance. maybe it'll suprise you.
All of you anonymous posters are idiots or probably just one idiot. Adam H is right in his post and I agree completely. Its a reimagining not a sequel. Hence things are going to be different. Like the make-up or actors. Jackie will be great in this, just wait. I am disappointed that Robert didn't get a cameo in it like as a parent thats chasing Freddy. Oh well, I cant get enough of the trailer though.
What you guys need to think about is what direction Sam is taking the film to.
First of all people will be quick to say "Oh its nothing like the old makeup" and "Robert is the only freddy".
I think all OF YOU need to sit back and think about the project as a whole.
The original nightmare on elm street makeup and freddy were and will always be the Excellent, it was what gave us this iconic character and made us love the character that it is.
Hell i love the whole nightmare on elm street franchise, but as the sequels continued the films were shit, c'mon they were. but we loved freddy soooo much we didnt care. but in terms of story it was shittt cacka poo poo.
Nothing can take away the original from the remake. lets get this straight.
But have an open mind, its making freddy darker as he should be and will shit up ppl as freddy should be known to do.
You wont see the new freddy getting mtv music features i can guarantee that!
The makeup......
The producers have mentioned that they wanted to create freddy as a realistic character, a real burns victim. Which i think they have done a good job on.
I read a past interview where they did a couple of takes on makeup to see if it would work by making him like the old freddy.
But why would they want to do that in the first place, this is a remake and remake means remake! Plus lets get things into perspective the freddy makeup in the old films got worse and worse as sequels spawned off.
The Character......
I love robert England and will always love his iconic take of the character.
Heck.... this is the man who made freddy who we all associate to.
To get Robert in the new flick would of been ace, but to make a re-imagining of the story would not of worked. thus we get Jackie.
If the producers got any old Actor to play as Mr Freddy, Jackie is the MAN,
look at his past films and tell me this guy cannot act. because he CAN
I think he will do an excellent job on "HIS" take of freddy and get us all scared again.
Robert E has even congratulated that Jackie is taking over him, and praised how much of a good actor he is. so if the old Freddy can praise the new Freddy, we are all in good hands.
Plus those stupid rumors that billy bob thornton was going to be freddy was completely STUPID.
No way i would of believed that crap and the person who let that one out should be shot for thinking so,
Platinum dunes.......
Just becuase it says Michael Bay does not mean he made it.
The dude has too much money and wants to make more.Fair play, who doesnt like money here, i sure as hell do too.
The man directing Samuel has done an amazing job on music videos (google him) and from what i see in the trailer, he has done beyond what i have imagined it could look like in the new film.
The colours used in the trailer look immense, and the shots look nice too, rethink and look back at the trailer and see for yourself.
Look at the dream with snow involved! how wonderful and eery did that shot look,
We havnt had any snow with the other past nightmares, and this one looked sickkkk.
And the way the filters used dont look cheap either, so two thumbs up on that one.
the voice........
Ok ok everyone is going to go nuts over this also, at first i was like hmmmmm ok a new voice, it could work, but the more and more i think of it, it does work.
Damn freddy had his face burned and prob would talk like that in a real life scenero.
Dont be quick to judge as the film does come out next year, so more work will be done, and early screenings will telll if the crowd like the new voice.
Before you bash me, This is my opinion, and mine only and wanted to voice what i thought!So next time you say its not the same, please back up your words.
Your entitled to your own opinion so shout out why.
I cannot wait to see the end result as Freddy Kruger was the first real film where i was scared to bits as a kid and have grown up loving everything good and bad about the franchise. So to see a new imaginging is bringing my favourite character back on the big screen, as i am getting sick and tired of all these shitty so called horror films, like Saw! Saw 1 was good, but i honestly think it will get the point where i am old and grey and they will still be bringing out new saw films. errrgggggghhhhh please stop!
Last thought (lol i feel like jerry springer lol)
Look back at the original Tim burton 1984 Batman, when Michael Keaton was announced as the lead, ppl went NUTS thinking that we would not be serious enough to play Bruce Wayne as his past films were comedic. And look at the job he did in both Films. AMAZING. and lets not get into detail with Christian Bales performance,....... he was ace and reinvented the whole batman series all over again.which gave us a better sequel and the great acting skills of Joker played by Heath Leadger. Heck i could go into detail with the whole Old joker verus new!
ppl didnt think heath would be able to top Jack N performance, and he smashed it.
I think just wait till the film opens, have a clear mind and be grateful that freddy is back.
AND if the film blows,........ well expect me ranting on how stupid i am for thinking it will work, but i honestly feel that this wont be the question.
Happy dreaming ppl
i dont like it cause it doesnt have the same people in it
your a fucking idiot you dumbass why the fuck would they use everybody from the original movie and put them in this remake they're old you idiot and plus if your smart you would know that it wouldn't work dumbass it's called a remake for a reason stupid
no u are a dumass why even have a remake do u really want to see a movie remade over and over again then if that is the case then watch the same original movie over and over again
wow you're ignorant.
Yeah Robert england is the best... this new freddy is not going to work. Freddy's original makeup/mask is classic and will destroy his image we have grown to love...
I agree...it's just so hard for me to take this new Freddy seriously....he looks so petite. lol Robert England is irreplaceable. I'm not trying to be mean. I just grew up with these movies and it's getting sort of redundant with everyone's take on trying to "change up" classics.
I see it as Hollywood running out of movie ideas personally.
Everything looks good except the make-up. It's so distracting for being nothing like Freddy. It's going to take away from the movie. It looks like they got everything else right, which is great, but why mess with the make-up?. Platinum Dunes has been pretty good at getting the look of the iconic killers they have re-made look like themselves. Why did they have to start screwing that up with Freddy's make-up?.
Nobody well ever b freddy except robert England. He is like jason or micheal when u can jus put a mask on a big guy nd give em a knife nd he is good to go. Playin Freddy takes skill nd u have to b a comedian at the same time nd horshach isnt that.