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Wes Craven's New Nightmare
Release Date - October 14, 1994
Opening Weekend - $6,667,118
Domestic Total Gross - $18,090,181

Starring: Heather Lagenkamp, Robert Englund, Miko Hughes, Wes Craven, John Saxon

Written & Directed By: Wes Craven

Fangoria talked with the creative team behind Freddy vs. Jason vs. Ash: The Nightmare Warriors. You can read the entire interview here.

Issues one and two of the six issue mini-series are already on sale, with issue three set to release on August 19, 2009.

There isn't much of a synopsis for the A Nightmare on Elm Street remake since it is basically the same story as the original film, but here is the shortened version from anyway. I also added it to the cast page so we should be all up-to-date.

Official Synopsis:

That's the news according to Brad Fuller's blog. Those who were at Comic-Con 2009 were treated to what has been alleged as an "incredible" teaser trailer/footage from Nightmare on Elm Street 2010. Fuller says:

"Our film comes out on April 30th. That is 9 months away - a really, really long time in the movie business. If they released the trailer now, it would surely be forgotten a few months from now, and then what? This amazing teaser would have not had the impact that it should."

Here is the video of Jackie Earle Haley talking at the Elm Street Comic Con panel that has been floating around YouTube. If it is eventually pulled you can read some of his choice quotes here.

A close-up photo of Jackie Earle Haley's makeup from A Nightmare on Elm Street has been proven a fake by the website IconsofFright. The picture that popped up yesterday, is just a photoshopped still of Haley from the film The Children. Check out the before and after below.

Below are some quotes published by from the Nightmare on Elm Street panel at the San Diego Comic Con.

Jackie Earle Haley on playing Freddy

"I thought it would be really interesting giving him a Scottish accent. Not sure why. Think it works though. No, I think it’s definitely a scary process trying to step into the shoes of Robert Englund who has owned this character for decades. He’s done a brilliant job with it. His embodiment, his performance is what makes Freddy who he is."

Wildstorm has listed the description and release date for issue #5 of Freddy vs. Jason vs. Ash: The Nightmare Warriors. I have also included the cover art for issue # 1, since I somehow missed it when we previously published the first 4 issues.

Issue #5 will go on sale October 21, 2009

Written by Jeff Katz and James Kuhoric; Art by Jason Craig; Cover by Jock