In addition to the A Nightmare on Elm Street Blu-ray being released on April 6th, we will also see a "new" box set containing all the original films plus Freddy vs Jason. I highly doubt anything in the sets will be different but a guy can dream. The box art might as well be a giant middle finger to fans as they use a picture of what is clearly Jackie Earle Haley instead of Robert Englund. No other specs as of yet, but we'll keep you posted.

First of all, the picture is clearly Jackie Earle Haley, this "Freddy Krueger" definitely has a different body shape than Robert. The glove thatw as designed for the new "Freddy Krueger" is much different than the glove Lou Carlucci designed for Robert's "Freddy Krueger." The thing is, why use Robert's glove on Jackie's "Freddy?" If you're going to do a new box set cover, go all out and use the new glove. Secondly, I have been a die-hard NOES fan for 19 years, and I have the original box set of DVDs, and it makes no sense to me why they would put Jackie on the cover since he did not play "Freddy Krueger" in the last eight films. I am a fan of Jackie's work, and he is an amazing actor, but Robert's picture should be on this box set, because "Freddy Krueger" is and will always be two people: Wes Craven and Robert Englund.
The internet rumor mill suggests that Jackie has signed on to reprise Freddy in two more films. When they release those box sets, he should be on the cover. Just my two cents.
Elm Street's Last Brat
Question for Rod and no one else. The Never Sleep Again featurette, I thought it was going to be a release on it's own, not part of the original ANOES Blu-Ray features. Have you heard if it will be realeased individually as well?
I'm pretty sure it is going to have its own separate release. The documentary is called "Never Sleep Again: The Elm Street Legacy" (, and the Blu-ray Featurette is called "Never Sleep Again: The Making of A Nightmare on Elm Street." I think they're two different things with like names.
The "Legacy" documentary was supposed to include the "I Am Nancy" documentary (, but I think that may have been canceled since there has been no real mention of it lately. Heather Langenkamp is narrating the "Legacy" documentary.
I plan on posting an update on the Elm Street Legacy today and I will keep you all updated if I hear anything else on the Blu-ray, re-release and so on...
-- Rod Lane (Sorry I wasn't logged-in when I replied.)
Thank you Rod. Yeah I saw the update you posted. I got the two mixed up I suppose because of the Never Sleep Again heading. I should have paid attention there but I am relieved at this news and I am disappointed with the collection having Jackie Earle on it but it's just because of my fan status but I'm not saying Jackie will be bad it's just annoying and probably a promotional thing. I appreciate all the accurate info you provide by the way. Thank you and keep up the good work.
Sorry, I know that I'm not Rod, but I think the feaurette "Never Sleep Again: The Making of A Nightmare On Elm Street" featured on the Blu-ray will probably be the same one that was featured on the DVD ( I don't think it will be the "Never Sleep Again: The Elm Street Legacy" documentary that is currently in production. They are two completely different documetaries, but could be easily confused due to having similar titles.
cant see shxt! how can we see that its jackie?-the glove looks wrong!
because hes already done a pose like that, and he doesnt have the same shape to him as robert englund
It looks like it's Jackie as Freddy, but with Robert's old glove - WTF?! Talk about inconsistency! The glove is obviously CG, as Anonymous stated previously his pinky finger just doesn't look right.
It looks like the pinky is like on backwards or something
Been waiting to see these films on blu-ray. I don't know why they put the original + a few sequels on the Playstation Store when they're not in HD. As for Jackie being on the cover, it doesn't take away from the movies, yea....whatever. THEIR BETTER BE A NOES2010 FEATURETTE OR I AM GOING TO FLIP!!!!!!
why is his pinky finger all weird too besides haley being on the damn cover
Wanted to suggest INTERNET MOVIE BIO DATABASE of Freddy. It was well written...
Thanks I added the link to our bio page.
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why would they have Haley on the box set when he isn't in any of the films included in the box set. Eh