A new viral site for A Nightmare on Elm Street has opened up called keepherawake.com. It's a game in which you have to keep the young girl awake so she isn't killed by Freddy. This can be done through various means; everything from coffee and energy drinks to cold showers and cutting herself. Enjoy playing and leave your thoughts below!
For some reason the game was removed and keepherawake.com now redirects you back to the official website!

It was most likely taken down because one of the ways to keep her awake is by cutting herself-- not so good when teenagers are "Cutters". :)
Still down as of 3/26/10.
boo hoo... I want to play the new game... not that stinky one by Afro-Ninja...
Played it...beat it...
Its still down! I want to check it out!
Why was it taken down I can't figure that out I played it 8 times and there nothing too it.There no gory at all the girls is super hot though .Maybe they will redo it before the movie come out .
Man i hope you're right! the game was very cool i played it like 4 times and i lasted 6 minutes! i really hope they upload it again, maybe like you say it will be released again days before the movie because the web page lacks of updates!