Katie Cassidy (Wikipedia Listing)
Age: 23
Plays "Kris" in A Nightmare on Elm Street 2010
Other important role(s): "Ella Simms" Melrose Place
Other horror film(s): The Lost (2206), When a Stranger Calls (2006), Black Christmas (2006), Supernatural (TV show, 6 episodes as "Ruby")
Character notes (Kris): Anchors the first act of the story. Her turbulent relationship with Jesse is made into a plot point. She is also the one who begins the investigation into Freddy.
Katie Cassidy is the daughter of David Cassidy and Sherry Williams (a high fashion model in the early 1970's). She modeled for Abercrombie and Fitch, Guess Rock and Republic clothing lines in 2004. Her early acting credits include appearances on the TV series 7th Heaven (1996) and Sex, Love & Secrets (2005). She also appeared with Adam Sandler and Kate Beckinsale in the comedy Click.
Rod's Review
The reason I picked Cassidy as the first Elm Street "teen" to profile is because she is the one I know the most about. I watch her every week on Melrose Place, and she is one of the better actresses on the show. Which makes it a shame that she is basically playing the Tina Gray role because it suggest she will be killed off early in the film.
Death Spoiler:
She is killed by having her bloodied body levitating from the bed, and then slammed into the ceiling.
Katie Cassidy from "Saturday Night" magazine

I agree with Rod in that I will tend to blame the director and script more often than not. If these young guns get crap material, well hell, they are just happy to have a job in a high profile flick and are gonna run with it. If good material is just not there, what can you do. Besides, Katie also functions as the eye candy here and she is fullfilling here role just fine in that department. :P
The previous comment also goes for any film in general. I'm tired of bad films overall.
I agree with you. I'm not against them because they're simply just doing their job. It is the directors fault that this and other potentially good horror movies, re-imaginings or not, do not play out so well. This is why the acting seems so terrible. I too blame the Michael Bay/Megan Fox syndrome for what's going on. My mentality isn't against these actors for my wife likes a few of those CW shows and the actors from a few of those programs aren't bad. I just want a story as good as the one told in the original ANOES to be told just as good, if not better, in this re-imagining because I haven't been truly impressed by Platinum Dunes' previous films, by coincidence the reviews for them by some critics reflected that they didn't either. I don't know personally why their previous films, especially remakes/re-imaginings, didn't appeal to me but it's due to weak stories or poor acting but that's just my opinion. They just need more directors in hollywood who have real passion for and experience in filmmaking.
I'm not saying skinpeeler did this, but I hate the mentality horror fans have that someone must suck because they're on a teen oriented CW TV show. If you're making a current horror film why wouldn't you cast current young actors in teen roles? Horror movies have always used twenty-somethings in their films, why do horror fans seem to have a problem with it now? These actors and actresses are not horrible at acting, and are definitely a lot better than the current "scream queens" acting in low budget horror films these days.
Also did anyone ever think that the bad acting in these Platinum Dunes remakes may be due to the fact that they are using music video directors, who seem more interested in the aesthetics of filming than actual plot, acting and entertainment?
I would blame it more on the Michael Bay/ Megan Fox syndrome than the cast.
She fits right in on that show. I mean in this NOES re-imagining. The screener reviews say bad things about the acting from the likes of her and the actors from other teen oriented projects.You know this especially from, who was it?skinpeeler? From their review. These actors,with the exception of mr. Haley, make the movie play out weakly. Brad Fuller did say that they are still working on the film which hopefully means they tweak the bad stuff and add what's needed although he didn't say for sure what will be changed in his reply.
On Melrose Place? I think she handles her character very well.
She's also part of the problem with the acting.