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  • Rod Lane
  • Freddy Heads to School
  • A Nightmare on Elm Street Comics
  • Twilight Invades Elm Street
  • And Nancy Thompson 2010 is...
  • Freddy Window Cling
  • We Need Your Help!
  • Thomas Dekker Next on Freddy's Victim List
  • A Nightmare on Elm Street Casting Call
  • Freddy Krueger Official Traumatizer

Here is the rest of Chris Roberts' fan fiction to read while we try to survive the post-trailer calm. I also added a fan fiction section where people can submit their own Freddy stories to share.

Part 1: Awakening writer Chris Roberts loaned us some of his Elm Street fan fiction to keep us warm during the cold nights between news stories. Here is part 1.

If you would like some of your fan fiction or art featured, please send submissions to [email protected].