We finally have a look at Platinum Dune's new version of Freddy Krueger thanks to our friends at NECA. However, the look is based on a figure being released for the film, not an actual look at Jackie Earle Haley. Nothing much else to say except to remind you that the film is being released April 30, 2010. Post comments below and let us know what you think!
Picture after the jump.

I will have to say, I will miss Robert Englund as Freddy. I just hope the new actor can fill his shoes. I am a die hard Nightmare on Elmstreet fan but I am willing to see this change.... just hope it will not destroy the awesome character alot of us knew...
Looking at this action figure, it is so so. I hope this not exactly what he looks likely face wise, looks more silly then scary.
All well... Hope you guys really know what your doing! Hope you did not kill a other great horror icon!
Doesn't look evil enough. Freddy wasn't ugly back in the day...he was bat shit scary. Logically, if you were given the power to enter the dreams of your murder's children to avenge your own death by burning, you would choose to highten your appearence to make them UTTERLY TERRIFIED of you.
In my opinion this just looks blase'. I would imagine any one who has had any regular contact with burn victims will just find it dull and unthreatening. Freddy is the personification of evil and should be presented as such. This is just too based in reality for my liking.
After seeing the fan made trailer which featured smoking-embers in the shirt and the glowing red blades in the glove, this just looks positively BORING by comparison. And to think of the budget difference in the two productions. It really is appauling any one was paid to come up with this "ground breaking" design.
My big hope for a new Freddy was Two-Face in the Dark Knight. As soon as I saw what they did there I was praying someone would look at those old one shots for A Nightmare on Elm Street and put two and two together. But sadly...Goddamn annoyingly...nobody did.
This film is just another case of "if it ain't broke, don't fix it". Unless they reallly wanted to take the series to new heights and do something COMPLETELY fresh with it, they should just have left it the hell alone.
The trailer showed me nothing that said "I've never seen anything like that before". A Nightmare on Elm Street is one of the single most ground breaking films in terms of concept, design, originality and bang for buck on a shoe string budget. If you can't replicate that. Then don't even try. Do something new instead. And if you can't think of anything original to make in films then get another job you art school, assholes!
is this the best that they can come up with for the look.. LOL! I can see why Robert England didn't want anything to do with this remake.. It is turning his hard work in what he did with Freddy, look like crap. I'm sorry but in my opinion, Robert England is Freddy and no one else can do what he did and have the same image. The people who did this movie should get a life and come up with something new or at least keep the same image. It's a sad world in the movie business. They lost what movies use to have. Today, it is seems to be all about the computer effects. movies back in the pushed more into story, because they didn't have the effects. Now, they barely have a plot and hope that the effect will draw people in. Evil Dead is a occult classic not for the huge computer effect, but because they pushed with what they had and gave the story a plot. Movies now a days, lost all that and just try to use what was used in the past and cover it up with effects. hoping that people wouldn't point out their failures.
This looks really great. I saw this on a website like a week ago and once i saw it i was really impressed with what i saw. I know people are bashing this movie like crazy and what i gotta say to them is man up. Just give this movie a fucking chance just because robert englund isnt playing freddy doesnt mean its not going to be a good movie. I have all faith in jackie earle haley as freddy. And Im a die hard nightmare on elm street fan and i was really excited when i heard that a remake was coming out. But I love the toy i like how it is more realistic to a burn victim, and im excited for the movie.
This cheap fake immitation is NOT freddy,it looks nothing like him and he has been made to look like Jack frost the killer snowman. What a discrase to a complete classic franchise that was highly popular. Robert can never be replaced,the trailer looks very cheap and pathetic. It is not remotly how nightmare on elm street was. I am discusted that this pathetic attempt is being released and i just hope that people have a brain and watch the original and do not judge freddy on this pathetic immitation. I am lost for words on what to say....the only nightmare we will have is that of the release of this terrible remake of a superb classic!
I mean to look at the guys awful make up...surley you have to laugh at the stupid attempt. This stupid movie will make a mockery of the classic genius or Freddy and that angers me........Robert Englund all the way. BAN THE RELEASE OF THE PATHETIC REMAKE!!!!
its definetely more realistic than the makeup Robert Englund wore in the originals. Ive like the new look since the trailer, but this made me have even higher respect for it. Well done.
i actually like the look, a lot. many people are complaining on other sites that his expression is so dull and lifeless. ITS AN ACTION FIGURE. in no way does it represent the emotion that will be displayed by the real actor in the movie. the only thing i think could be fixed up is that his left hand doesnt really look burnt at all..